Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study
Becoming Disciples through Bible Study is the foundation of the Disciple Bible Study program. Becoming Disciples through Bible Study gives equal time to both the Old and New Testament, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as the revelation of God. During the course, groups will move through the biblical stories from Creation to the New Jerusalem. Disciple I uses biblical language and images and draws upon the work of scholars to aid our understanding of the Bible. This study requires reading large portions of Scripture each week and is based on careful study and preparation. Contact the church office to express your interest and to determine when the next class will be offered.
Disciple II: Into the Word, Into the World
Dates, times and location TBD | This Disciple series will be offered upon request.
This is a 32 week study that concentrates on Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts.
Contact the church office to express your interest and to determine when the next class will be offered.
Disciple III: Remember Who You Are
This study focuses on the Prophets and the letters of Paul.
Contact the church office to express your interest and to determine when the next class will be offered.
Disciple IV: Under the Tree of Life
Wednesday mornings from 10 am – Noon
This study, “Under the Tree of Life,” focuses on several books of the Old Testament. The cost for this study is $40.
Please email Susan Gustin at [email protected] and let her know if you need the church to order your book, or if you already have your own copy.
Disciple Short Courses*
Join us for lively discussions on Tuesday mornings in Room 138 at 10:00 a.m. Look for details on the current study in the church bulletin. For more information or questions, contact Nancy Smith at 720-355-1499 (text or voice).
Jesus in the Gospels
This class is Offered on request. Jesus in the Gospels is a study that invites believers to encounter the Jesus who is both hard to ignore and hard to control, as portrayed in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This is a 30 week study. Contact the church office to express your interest.
Christian Believer: Special Disciple Study
Dates, times and location TBD This Disciple series will be offered upon request.
Christian Believer is a 30 week study that focuses on classical teachings of the Christian faith through the use of words, symbols and hymns. Contact the Church office to express your interest and to determine when the next class will be offered.