2016 Women’s Retreat – “Finding Your Purpose on Your Journey With God”

Book cover of "The Third Road," by Rachel DevineThe conference will be led by Rachel Devine and is based on her book “The Third Road: Your Secret Journey Home”
Dates:  April 1-3, 2016
Location:  The Hideaway Inn & Conference Center
Please visit www.hideawayreservations.com for reservations and location information.
Contact Jane Kusner or Caroline Lynch  for more information.
Click the button below for attendee information.

Retreats of the Past:

  • Child Like Faith, February 27- March 1, 2015 led by Cody Anderson
  • Royalty in Christ; Daughters of the King led by Vernetta Mic key
  • The Spiritual Journey Walking the Pilgrim Way March 15-17, 2013 led by Rev Teri Todd
  • Painting the Promise February 17-19, 2012 led by Michelle A. Rahn
  • Paths to Prayer February 18-20, 2011 Led by Rev Patricia D. Brown, PH.D.