Posts by ParkerUMC

New Leadership Board is Up and Running

They have now held their first meeting and are getting themselves organized and focused. Their first official act was to approve the contract for the Feed My Starving Children mobile pack activity planned here at PUMC in October.  Building off of the “Recalculating” sessions the entire church held this last spring, their task this fall will be to begin to define our…

2025 Leadership Board Members

Sr. Minister, Rev. Laura Easter Rainwater With the retirement of Rev. Barb, Rev. Laura begins her appointment at PUMC on July 1st and will work with the board leadership to begin to take the next steps in building the board into a strong group of lay leaders.  Rev. Laura has had some background in the…

Friends Together

Topic: Sue Evans’ Zoom MeetingTime: Jan 7, 2022 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 742 658 0160Passcode: PMCOne tap mobile+12532158782,,7426580160#,,,,*032961# US (Tacoma)+13462487799,,7426580160#,,,,*032961# US (Houston) Dial by your location        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) …

Mom’s Group at Parker UMC

Mom’s Group is Back After a Summer Break! Attention all Moms of kids birth-high school… Mom’s Group will be starting back up on September 14th and will meet on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30. Childcare is provided. Come and join us as we support one another and grow in our faith together. For more information, email Cody…

Men’s Retreat 2021

This Year’s Retreat will be October 8-9, 2021 Location Ponderosa Retreat and Conference Center 15235 Furrow Rd. – just 45 minutes south of Parker UMC. Carpools will be available. More information will be provided during the late summer registration process.  This Year’s Theme: “A Reflection of Our Commitments” We will gather at the Ponderosa Retreat…

Family Devotion Showing Love

Family Devotion Describe a time when you were a witness to someone doing an incredibly kind and generous act and were also inspired to show that kind of generosity. Note: If you are with a group, have each person take a turn sharing. Scripture Reading: Acts 1:6-14: So when they had come together, they asked…

Family Devotion

Jesus’ Power Helps Us When We’re Lonely Today you will journey through a Bible story of a man who had leprosy and couldn’t be around others. Then discover how Jesus’ power helps us when we’re lonely. Created by Group Publishing

Big Feelings: Jesus and Thomas

Describe a time when someone really listened to you and helped you figure out what you really needed when you were scared or upset about something.Note: If you are with a group, have each person take a turn sharing. Scripture Reading: John 20:19-31When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week,…

Good Friday Devotion

Good Friday If you picked up the Holy Week Packet, this was included… After Jesus was arrested, the crowd yelled and screamed for him to be punished even though he hadn’t done anything wrong.  They wanted Jesus to die on the cross.  It was a very sad day.  When Jesus came to Jerusalem, people were so happy…