Prepare for Holy Week by Walking Our Prayer Path
Jesus has many characteristics. During Lent we explore many different traits of Jesus and how we too have these traits. Jesus taught us how to live, love and be filled with God’s love. All ages are invited to come to church during Holy Week to journey on a self-guided prayer path to remember the teachings of Jesus. The path will start by the lower front doors by the Sanctuary. You are welcome to come anytime beginning on Palm Sunday (March 28th) through Easter April 4th.

Do This in Remembrance of Me
On Maundy Thursday we find Jesus and his disciples in the upper room, partaking of what we now call the Last Supper. We remember this day by recalling those events through scripture and music, and by sharing together in the bread and the cup, the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Maundy Thursday service will be online this year. You can watch the service by clicking here. We will also be offering communion on site, in our parking lot, on Thursday, April 1 from Noon–1 pm and 6–7 pm.

Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Join us for the Service of Tenebrae, or “Shadows,” at 7 pm. This service is based on a twelfth–century service and is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ. It includes sharing the story of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. As the story is told, candles are extinguished leaving participants sitting in a darkening room. Following the service, we invite you to remain in the sanctuary to pray and meditate on the Passion of Christ.
Join us either in person at 7 pm. in the sanctuary, or visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel at 7 pm. to watch the live stream online. The services will be available on both platforms after service is over, so you can watch later if you’re not able to tune in live.

Easter Worship Services
We’re very intentional here at Parker UMC in offering services that work for all kinds of families and schedules. That’s why for the last few years we’ve been offering a Saturday evening worship, Easter Eve, at 5 pm. Come, let us worship the Risen Lord!
Join us in person at 5 pm Saturday evening, 8 am Sunday in the parking lot, 10 am in the sanctuary (SOLD OUT), or visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel at 10 am Sunday to watch the live stream online. The services will be available on both platforms after service is over, so you can watch later if you’re not able to tune in live. We will also provide a link to our pre-recorded service, as we have done for the last several months. Easter will be the last Sunday we offer the pre-recorded service. Beginning on April 11th we will offer in person and live stream of our 10 am worship.