Faith Walking: A Gathering forMen in their 30s and 40s
Wednesday, 6:00-7:00 a.m./Room138
Dates: Ongoing; Frequency: Weekly
For: Men
Childcare: No
FaithWalking is an opportunity for men 40 and younger to gather and grow their faith and love for God through fellowship, small group Bible study, fellowship activities, and service activities. The foundation of the group happens each Wednesday morning where we journey together through a Bible study in association with a light breakfast and coffee. Periodically the group will meet outside of church for fellowship activities and also to help give back by doing acts of service at the church and in the community.
Contact: Ryan Woods, [email protected], 303-725-6766
Circle of the Word
Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 pm/Homes
Dates: Ongoing
Frequency: 3rd Tuesday of the month
For: Women
Childcare: No
Circle of the Word is a small group of women who want to grow spiritually and support others in their spiritual growth. This fall we are reading and discussing The Jesus Prescription for a Healthy Life by Leonard Sweet. New members are welcome!
Leonard Sweet, with his profound insight and humor examines how Jesus laughed, hung out with friends, played with children, walked, enjoyed the good times at social gatherings, and poked fun at pious pretensions. By examining the life of Jesus, this prescription for health and well-being details the ways and habits through which Jesus lived a disciplined life and healthy existence during his ministry among us. …You are sure to sharpen spiritually and hone your life physically while learning things about Jesus that you have never heard before.
Contact: Kelsey Hill, [email protected], 720-244-9108
XYZ (Extra Years of Zest)
Friday/Varies, 9:00 am/Village Inn
Dates: Ongoing; Frequency: 3rd Friday of month
For: Both men and women
Childcare: No
XYZ gives senior adults many opportunities to meet in fellowship. XYZ Fellowship meets on the 3rd Friday of each month for breakfast at 9:00 a.m. at the Village Inn on Parker Road, just north of the church. In addition, we plan monthly outings; some past outings include a tour of the Parker Police Department, a Valentine lunch program, a tour of Highlands Ranch mansion, a tour of Wings over the Rockies museum, and Heritage Square dinner theater. We car-pool when we visit places outside of Parker; we are now working to get volunteers from the church community to help us with transportation. Our ministry focus is outreach. We participate in various service projects directed toward the church family as well as community-wide service. All are welcome to join us for any of our events!
Contact: Terry and Cindy Rhymer, [email protected], 303-660-5129
Knit One — Pray Two
Tuesday, 1:00-2:30 pm/Room 137
Dates: Starts up September 8;
For: Women
Childcare: No
Beth Peterson facilitates the study time while knitting and discussing faith through Bible study. The women in this group are happy to share knitting techniques and tips for anyone interested in learning or furthering their knitting abilities. The group provides prayer shawls and baby blankets for individuals and baptisms in our church. This is a very welcoming group so feel free to join them!
Contact: Hazel Brown, [email protected], 720-475-1961
United Methodist Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, 8:00 am/Kitchen
Dates: Ongoing
Frequency: 2nd Saturday of month
For: Men
Childcare: No
The second Saturday of each month is our monthly Men’s Breakfast, starting at 8 a.m. in the kitchen. All men are invited to share laughter and fellowship…and of course good food.
Contact: Keith Eipper, [email protected], 720-851-7384
Married With Children
Dates: Sundays from 4:30–6:30
Frequency: Weekly
For: Families
Childcare: Yes
Married with Children is a small group focused on raising families, social events and fellowship surrounding events such as barbeques, camping and visiting parks. Be a part of the social network and see what events your family can participate in!
Contact David and Allison Kahlich: [email protected] or 817-996-4494.
Senior Friends League
Saturday, 9:30-11:30 am/Cherry Creek Nursing Center, Aurora
Dates: Second Saturday of the month;
Frequency: Monthly
For: Both men and women
Childcare: Children are welcome; the seniors love to see them!
Did you know that over half of the seniors in the Cherry Creek Nursing Center get no visits from family or friends? Be a part of a rewarding community service ministry with the Senior Friends League and let’s pull together to touch these seniors’ lives.
Contact: Patty Tedesco, [email protected], 303-841-9636
Eden Gardeners
Dates: Varies; Frequency: Varies
For: Both men and women
Childcare: No
Eden Gardeners is a group of people who are interested in any aspect of plant care or landscaping. Meetings usually include a class with demonstrations or slide shows, either at PUMC or other locations. Our speakers have been encouraging, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic!
Some members volunteer to care for the church plants. Join in any time you find a subject that interests you, and enjoy the camaraderie, inspiration, and shared ideas of fellow gardeners! Watch the bulletin and mid-week-message for meeting dates, or email Diana to have your name added to the group email list.
Contact: Diana Hill, [email protected], 303-841-4559