UMW Reading Program
United Methodist Women recommends a diverse range of books with the intention of broadening exposure to a variety of concepts for concerned Christian women.
Parker UMW invites all to participate in our 2016 United Methodist Women Reading Program! The program’s plan #1* is the easiest to complete:
Just read 5 books total by the end of the year.
There are five categories of books within the program. You must read 1 book from each of the 5 categories for a total of 5 books:
- Education for Mission
- Leadership Development
- Nurturing for Community
- Social Action
- Spiritual Growth
You may select books within these categories from the 2011-2016 reading lists. In addition, regular reading of the UMW Response magazine is also required.
The UMW maintains a library of books to borrow & read for the reading program. They can be found in room 137 on the lower level of the Church.
Simply select 5 books to read and track your progress on a Program reading log. Once completed, the log can be turned into Cathy Higgins by December 1, 2016, to be counted in our annual UMW unit progress report. (You may pick up a 2016 reading log in the UMW bookcase in room 130).
Should you have any questions, please contact Cathy Higgins, UMW Program resources, at [email protected].
Happy Reading!
*There are multiple reading plans. You can learn more by reviewing the reading log or reaching out to Cathy for more details.