Parker United Methodist Church – Serving Parker, Aurora, and Castle Rock Colorado.
Parker United Methodist Church is a congregation offering faith opportunities for adults, children, families and youth. If you’re looking to join and connect with a small group, attend a Bible study, or serve missions both in Parker and around the world, we’d love you to join us this Sunday and welcome you to Parker United Methodist Church where we welcome all to discover and share the joy of Jesus’ love!
303-841-3979 • 11805 S Pine Dr, Parker, CO • Service Times: Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
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In case you missed it, the prior Sunday’s message is available to listen to below. Click on the featured image for a more in-depth experience.
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[button type=”churchope_button” url=”″ target=”on” button_color_fon=”#0074f7″ ]Upper Level[/button]
[button type=”churchope_button” url=”″ target=”on” button_color_fon=”#0074f7″ ]Lower Level[/button]
Weekly Prayer Cards Prayer cards are submitted weekly from the blue cards in the pews and friendship pads but you can submit a prayer anytime by downloading the Parker UMC app and touching the prayer icon. To view public congregational prayers that have been submitted (you have the option to choose public or pastors only) login with your CCB profile is required.
- UMCOR The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the globe. UMCOR’s work includes programs and projects in disaster response, health, sustainable agriculture, food security, relief supplies, and more.
- Rocky Mountain Conference
Cross & Flame is a monthly Parker UMC publication that tells you everything that is happening in the life of our church. It features upcoming events, mission highlights and articles written by our ministry team.[button type=”churchope_button” url=”” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#0074f7″ ]Download[/button]
Current Posts and Ministry Team Articles
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