Our Nursery’s Purpose
To provide a ministry for infants and young children in such a way that they experience grace and joy. We maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment. Our nursery staff is well trained in CPR, first aid, and universal precautions. We understand that each child is a blessing from God.
Nursery Care Availability
- Sunday Services 9:30 and 11 am for kids ages 6 weeks – 3 yrs
- Weekday and Evening events (arranged upon request only) ages 6 weeks – 12 yrs
Leaving Your Child in the Nursery
- Children need to arrive at the nursery with clean hands, face and clean diapers. This is needed to maintain a healthy environment. Please make sure to leave diapers, wipes, and a spare set of clothes. If your child is potty training please notify nursery attendants.
- A nursery attendant will fill out a nametag at the counter with a corresponding page number and any other important information.
- If your child has any allergies or special needs please notify a nusery attendant. Nursery only provides Goldfish, Cheerios, animal crackers and/or pretzels for snack.
- Please be assured that a nursery attendant will page you if your child has been crying for ten minutes. If you want to be paged sooner please let a nursery attendant know.
- All classes and services have an end time and the nursery expects that a guardian should arrive to pick up their child within ten minutes after the class end time.
- Children cannot be dismissed by a nursery attendant until the corresponding pager is returned for safety reasons.
- Our nursery strives to provide a healthy environment for your child . In order to do so, please do not bring your child in if they have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea within the previous 24 hours. Concerning any symptoms of childhood diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, runny nose with any colored discharge, sore throat, any unexplained rash, skin infection, pink eye or other eye infection, and head lice–your child may return after 24 hours following treatment.
- All members of all classes who use the nursery should include the Nursery Childcare Minister on their class email list for any changes or cancellations in the meeting times.
- If your child becomes ill or for some reason you cannot attend your class please immediately call or email the Nursery Coordinator.
- Every September and January we are asking that each family who uses the nursery at any time other than Sunday morning worship fills out a registration form and corresponding registration fee (fee payment information is on the registration form).
Nursery Contact
Contact our church office at 303-841-3979 or email Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families.