January 15, 2017
Sunday School – Yes! NEW CURRICULUM – All Youth Meet in the Youth Room at 9:30
Youth Group – SPECIAL TIMES FOR JAN. 8 & 15
- 5:00 – Anyone interested in the youth choir for Sunday, Jan. 22 link for song below
- 5:30 – All Youth to Learn Dance Mob for Youth Take Over for Jan. 22, link for song below
- 6:00 – Snack Dinner Provided by the Huey Family, Thank you!!
- 6:30 – 7:30 All ages for Youth Group Game & Lesson

- Choir – All are welcome to participate!
- Youth Take Over Song – All are welcome AND ENCOURAGED to participate!
- Greeters – Kelsey Beyerly and Caitlyn Voyles (upstairs doors by church offices), Jenna Garneau and Alexa Stout (upstairs doors by playground) Annabelle Peterson and Emma Sheffield (Downstairs doors to Narthex)
- Ushers – Bella Byington, Alan Carlson, Kaleb Stroman, Alan Woodruff, Casey Kauffman, Luke Sayler, and Lily Peterson
PLEASE Grab a 2017 Winter/Spring Calendar
Please check the Youth News Rack in the Narthex in January for the new 2017 winter/spring calendar of events! And as always – the information about how to subscribe to the “Remind 101” messaging tool is on the bottom of the rack (green for Jr. High and purple for Sr. High info.) Text/Email alerts are sent out once or twice a week to remind students about events or changes to events. Also a weekly scripture/encouraging word is sent to students (and parents who are subscribers).
Retreat at the Great Wolf Lodge!
If you are registered to attend the winter retreat on February 10-12, I will be E-mailing out important information regarding the Lodge, what you need to pack, extra optional costs, etc. So, watch for that email next week some time!
Meals for Youth Group
Parents or small groups at church – are you able to provide a meal for the youth on a Sunday night? We usually have anywhere from 20-30 students between our two groups. Easy meals like casseroles, spaghetti, or sandwiches are always appreciated, and sharing a meal together is a large part of our fellowship time. To choose a date and sign up please click HERE for the Signup Genius. Thank you so much! You are very appreciated!
Supporting the Winter Shelter Network and the Youth – Wait, What?
Would you like to support the Winter Shelter Network, but not sure how? We are collecting $25 King Soopers gift cards for families to get gas or food during the holidays. IF you purchase a gift card from King Soopers USING YOUR RELOADABLE gift card from the youth, it will be supporting BOTH the Winter Shelter Network and the PUMC Youth Group. You might keep that in mind during your next trip to King Soopers. Thanks!