April 7, 2014


Psalm 143

[one_half] I have been known to get lost from time to time. I was driving with a friend from Tulsa to Denver when we got into a deep conversation about the church. Our conversation was making so much headway that he was even taking notes as we talked. We were heading north on I-35 on our way to Wichita and expecting to hit I-70 at Salina so we could go west to Denver. The conversation got deeper and I just kept driving. Before long, I looked up at a road sign that said Topeka. Topeka! I don’t want Topeka. I want to be 110 miles west of Topeka in Salina. It turns out there was a fork in the road just outside Wichita and I missed it.

In every spiritual life, there are forks in the road when we seek the guidance of the Lord so we know which direction we should go. Above all, we don’t want to miss our destination! So we cry out to God, spread our hands in open surrender, and declare (with the psalmist) my soul thirsts for you like parched land. We declare our need and open our hearts to the direction of God. As we participate in this ancient process of seeking the Lord we often find that healing and refreshment are at hand. [/one_half]

[one_half last=last] Hear our prayer, O Lord of mercy; listen to the cry of our heart as we seek your will. We consider the beauty that your hands have created and ask that you would show us the way we should go. For to you, and you alone, do we lift up our souls. Lead us Lord, for we are your servant people. Amen [/one_half]


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