Where God Is Leading

For the last few weeks, you have heard that I am answering a new calling in my life.  I have worked in the church for almost 12 years, and have found God working in my life through many wonderful and many hard situations.  Not only have I worked with children and youth through those years, I also have led many worship services, preached many sermons (most of them at my former church in Gillette, WY) and sat with many families going through the most difficult days of their lives.  Through those years, I have had many people speak into my life, sharing with me how they felt that I was called to become a pastor.  My answer was always a “yes, I do see that God is calling me in that direction, but not right now.”  Well the time has come for me to finally say “yes, God, now.”

We all have a calling from God.  Some of us are called to be teachers, working in our local schools, or maybe just teaching Sunday school on Sunday mornings.  Some of us are called to be healers and work with the sick as nurses or doctors, or maybe just sit with someone who is sick and in need of someone walking by their side through the darkest of times.  Some of us are called to feed the hungry, working with wonderful organizations that help those who are less fortunate, or maybe just being passionate about collecting food and challenging others to do the same.  Some of us are called to me missionaries, going to far off places and helping spread the gospel, or maybe just working with smaller missions in our own communities. No matter what we are called to do, we all have a calling from God. Do you know what that calling is?  Are you intently seeking God and asking “what would you have me do?”   Are you listening?  More importantly, are you being faithful and answering that call?

I look forward to see not only where this new calling from God will lead me, but I also look forward to hearing about your calling and watching God lead you in new and exciting directions where you can make a difference in our world.


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