Thought I would comment to you on the worship service this afternoon. Bishop Warner Brown gave a rousing sermon on “Jesus, We Are Here”, wonderful music in various languages (interpreters for nine languages is simultaneously going on for the 864 delegates from around the world), and a greeting and drumming from the Indigenous Peoples of this geographical area were only the beginning. What really touched me was having Communion with about 3,000 people of differing cultures and ethnicities. The bishop who was leading in the presentation and blessing of the communion elements silently lifted and broke the bread. My thoughts were of the breaking of Christ’s body and how broken we are as a church. Then as the cup was silently lifted and moved in the sign of the cross, the forgiveness that is offered to us by the depth of God’s love washed over me. All received Communion and blessings from the hands of the active and retired bishops of our UMC. Quite a sight as the bishops all in white moved quickly throughout the floor of the convention center, some serving and some bringing replacement elements.
Every day there is a worship service at 8:00 am here or 9:00 am there in Colorado. It is always being live streamed so you can watch and hear the outstanding music and at 9:30 the Episcopal Address is given.
Time for bed – tomorrow is another early morning.
Ruth Wills