A Feed My Starving Children MobilePack is an amazing thing! Sometimes it seems that a pack rolls into town, pops up at the church, and disappears as quickly as it came. But there are hundreds of people behind this effort that give of their time and money to make it look so easy. The PUMC congregation has been so supportive since Dave & Julie Kronbach started the MobilePack three years ago.
Did you know that it will take 8 committee members, 3 staff members, 833 volunteers and $44,000 to pack 200,000 meals on October 28th & 29th of this year? This is no small feat, and the difference this effort makes in the lives of children is definitely no small thing. See if you recognize anyone you know in the photos below from last year’s Pack.
FMSC spends more than 90% of total donations directly on feeding the hungry and has earned the highest four-star rating from Charity Navigator for 11 consecutive years. We are proud to be their partners, and even prouder to be one of the missions that PUMC supports. THANK YOU!