The Adventures of Flat Jesus

What in the World is the “Adventures of Flat Jesus?”
“Flat Jesus” was created from the basis of a children’s book called Flat Stanley, (written by Jeff Brown). In the book, a boy named Stanley becomes flattened and is able to be mailed to different places, having all kinds of exciting adventures. We see the “Flat Jesus” project as a way to keep our church family connected. YouTube has several read aloud videos if you would like to hear the book, here is one;
Color “Flat Jesus” and take him with you as this summer. Take a picture of him doing lots of different things: going out to the playground, having fun in the mountains, hanging out with neighbors, or whatever you are doing! It will be an amazing adventure! It is a great way to remember that Jesus is always with us, wherever we go.
How to Create Your Very Own “Flat Jesus”:
1. Take a printed “Flat Jesus” from the entrance of the church, or print out the template (on heavy cardstock, if possible) by downloading it here. .
2. Decorate your “Flat Jesus.” Be creative! You can make one for yourself and one for a friend!
3. When you have taken photos of “Flat Jesus,” send them to Noelle, [email protected] or text to 303-856-8180. If you post your pictures on social media be sure to tag Parker UMC and use #flatjesus #flatjesusPUMC
It will be so exciting to see what our church family members are doing this summer! And remember, Jesus is with you ALWAYS!

Asking God for Help
Today’s games remind us that we can always ask God for help. We’re playing balancing act and rock the boat.

God Forgives
Today we play a few fun games that remind us that God forgives us, that is a special gift! We take a quick look at Jonah, how he thought he could run from God. Boy was he wrong! Jonah learned from his mistakes and asked God to forgive him. Today we’re playing Balancing Act and Balloon Balance.
Trust in God

Join me and my kids today for some games as we learn that trusting God will always help us! We talk about the way Daniel put his trust with God and he was tossed into the lion’s den! If Daniel can trust God against lions, surly we can trust God even in hard times!

Friday Family Activity – Treasure Hunt!!
Copy the following clues on individual slips or pieces of paper or you can print them and cut them out using the clues page below. Then hide all but the first one at their designated spots. Tell your children that you’re sending them on a treasure hunt.
CLUE #1 Don’t hide this one. This is the first clue you’ll give to your children. Search the backs of closet doors for Clue #2.
CLUE #2 Hide this on the back of a closet door. Go to a mirror to look for Clue #3.
CLUE #3 Hide this on a mirror. Go to a toilet to look for Clue #4.
CLUE #4 Hide this on top of a toilet lid. Go to a bed to look for Clue #5.
CLUE #5 Hide this on or in a bed. Go to the shower to look for Clue #6.
CLUE #6 Hide this in the shower. Go to the kitchen to look for Clue #7.
CLUE #7 Hide this somewhere in the kitchen. Look under a shoe for Clue #8.
CLUE #8 Hide this underneath a shoe. Try to get around Dad (or Mom) and to the couch to find the treasure.
Let’s Talk After the hunt is finished, sit down with your children.
ASK–Would it have been easier or harder to find the treasure without the instructions?
ASK–What instructions has God given us for living?
SAY–The Bible is God’s instruction book on how to live life and you’ll never find what you’re looking for in life unless you follow Jesus and what He says in the Bible. Listen to what the Bible says about how to stay away from doing bad things. Read Psalm 119:11 from your Bible.
PRAY— List prayer requests below and thank God for Jesus and the Bible and for giving us instruction on how to live.
Family Prayer Requests
List prayer requests below:
Clues for Week 2—Special Time Treasure Hunt Cut out the following:
CLUE #1 Don’t hide this one. This is the first clue you’ll give to your children. Search the backs of closet doors for Clue #2.
CLUE #2 Hide this on the back of a closet door. Go to a mirror to look for Clue #3.
CLUE #3 Hide this on a mirror. Go to a toilet to look for Clue #4.
CLUE #4 Hide this on top of a toilet lid. Go to a bed to look for Clue #5.
CLUE #5 Hide this on or in a bed. Go to the shower to look for Clue #6.
CLUE #6 Hide this in the shower. Go to the kitchen to look for Clue #7.
CLUE #7 Hide this somewhere in the kitchen. Look under a shoe for Clue #8.
CLUE #8 Hide this underneath a shoe. Try to get around Dad (or Mom) and to the couch to find the treasure.

God Has a Plan
It’s Game Day! Today we talk about making plans, and how our good plans don’t always work out how we thought they would. God has a plan, so let’s put our faith in God! Check out our games and be sure to play along!

God is In Control
Today’s games are “Not so Fast,” and “Bring it in For a Landing.” These games help us to remember that God is always in Control.

Blanket Fort
Friday Family Activity: Build a Fort
You will need:
• 1 flashlight
• Your Bible marked at Psalm 56:3 and Psalm 18:1-2.
Get Started Have your family members “ransack” the house to get pillows, blankets, chairs, and whatever else they can find to build a fort. Take your time making it and let your kids be creative with it. (For example, they might want to make a tunnel entrance.) Build it big enough for everyone to fit inside.
From inside the Fort use your flashlight to read Psalm 56:3.
ASK – What is something you’re scared of?
SHARE – Share something you were scared of when you were a child.
ASK – What should we do when we’re scared? (Trust God.)
ASK – Why can we trust God? (He’s faithful. He’ll never let you down. He’ll always keep His
Word, etc.)
Read Psalm 18:1-2 from your Bible.
ASK – How is God like a fort (fortress, stronghold) for you? (In old days people went inside a fortress to be safe. Its walls protected them from harm. God is a shield for those who follow Him and like a fort, you are safe in Him.)
ASK – Does this mean that bad things will never happen to someone who is living for Jesus? Why or why not? (Bad things still happen to good people, but there’s nothing so bad that God can’t turn it to your good.)
PRAY—List prayer requests below and thank God that He will always take care of you.
Family Prayer Requests List prayer requests here:

Fishing for People
It’s Game Day!! Today we play games that teach us to fish for people, to share God’s great big love with others! I hope you can join in the fun! Click here to play!

Today it’s Easter games. Join with us as we play Roll Away Stone, In the Tomb, Out of the Tomb, and The Egg Challenge. Click here to play!

Hi Families! It’s GAME DAY! What does Limbo have to do with God’s Great Big LOVE??? Find out and be sure to play these silly games at home. I would love any pictures of your family playing games! Click here to play!

Ms Noelle shares games while teaching lessons about God and faith. Today we’re playing Pirate Sock Toss, Would You Rather and The Question Is. Click here to play!