Welcome to Parker United Methodist Church!
We’re so glad you took the time to check us out. Your first point of contact with us will likely be our worship services. These services offer something for many worship styles and we welcome people from all backgrounds and faith traditions. Many traditional elements of the United Methodist Church are woven into our service, as well as contemporary music provided by our wonderful fine arts team.
Our pastors work very hard to offer Spirit inspired messages based in scripture and relevant to your lives today, right here in Parker Colorado.
Our outstanding children and youth programs offer opportunities for children age 3 to senior high. Don’t have kids?…are they all grown up? Check out our Bible studies, small groups, mens groups, womens’ groups, moms groups and many other ways to connect! Click this link for our 2024 Connections Catalog.
Church Office Hours: M–F, 9 am – 4 pm • 303-841-3979

Worship Times: Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
11805 S. Pine Dr, Parker Colorado
We share worship in person and online. Watch live online at umcparker.online.church. You can watch services later that day, or later in the week on our YouTube channel.
Church Office Hours: M–F, 9 am – 4 pm
Phone: 303-841-3979

Small Groups and Classes
At Parker UMC we believe in the power of small groups. We offer study, fellowship and teaching for all ages (kids, youth, families, women, men and adults). Take a look at our group listings.

What We Believe
The Vision of Parker United Methodist Church is to be a beacon of Christ-centered hope
for our neighbors. We hope to accomplish this through our mission of being a Christ-
centered community where you belong, you grow, and you make a difference. We
believe it is important to embody these values in order to fulfill our vision and mission:
being spirit-filled, Christ-centered, faithful, welcoming, loving, supportive, engaged, in
service, and in community. Learn more!
Parker United Methodist Church will continue to be a part of the United Methodist Church. As United Methodists, we believe in a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who has mercy and love for all people. We use four guides to understand and explain our faith: scripture, tradition, reason and experience.
We believe we are part of the church universal and that we, along with other Christian denominations, are authentic witnesses of God through Jesus Christ. We live this out in Baptism as we accept the validity of Baptism of other Christian denominations. We also live this out in our practice of the Open Table at Holy Communion where all persons are welcome as they seek to follow Christ and live in peace with their neighbor.
Faith is necessary for the Christian Life and is received through God’s grace and is seen and experienced through acts of piety and mercy. Faith without works does not exist.
We welcome you wherever you are on your faith journey, and we invite you to grow spiritually toward full humanity through the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to become an active part of our faith community through your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
Meet Our Ministry Team
The ministry team at Parker UMC is a dedicated group of people here to help you along your faith journey. We’d love to meet you and answer any questions you may have for us!

How do I make a prayer request?
- Email your prayer request; to Laura Rainwater, Senior Pastor, or Cody Anderson, Associate Pastor.
- You also have the option of submitting a prayer request right here to our secure online form.
- It just takes a few clicks to submit a prayer request via our Parker UMC app. Search Parker UMC in your App Store or Google Play to download.
Join Our Prayer Team
Do you feel God calling you to pray for the needs in our congregation and our world? If you would like to be a part of the Parker UMC Prayer team, email Pastor Cody to get on the prayer chain and lift up prayer requests from people in our congregation and community.

One More Way to Connect: The Parker UMC App
Download our app from the App Store or Google Play. Everything you need is all in once place! There’s virtual church, links to current and past messages, videos, upcoming events and more. Make sure when installing the app that you say yes to notifications. We don’t send a lot of notifications but we do use the app to communicate big events and up-to-date changes in service times, event cancellations, etc.

Learn All There is to Know with Weekly Email Blasts
The Midweek Message is a weekly email blast sent out each Wednesday. Event updates, new class and study information, ministry highlights, giving opportunities and volunteer opportunities are all part of this email blast.

Stuff for Kids
Noelle Allison, our Director of Children and Families, works really hard to provide fun, relatable content for your kids. Click the button below to watch story time, play games, share family activities and devotionals, and much more!
If you have any questions about our program please email Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families.
United Methodist Church Links
Learn more about the United Methodist Church and UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)