Handel’s Messiah Community Performance
We hope that you will join us and lend your voices as an ensemble member for our Handel’s Messiah Performance with Orchestra. Since this is a community event we welcome singers of varied music experience and backgrounds. Visit the link for more information regarding this performance: https://www.parkerumc.org/handels-messiah-2024/

Do you love singing engaging music that is diverse and also rich with traditional aspects? Then Chorale is the place for you! We sing most Sundays at 9 am worship service. We also sing special seasonal cantatas and Christmas performances. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 pm. We welcome you to come to our rehearsal and or join us for Show Up and Sing during the summer! If you love to sing, and want to share that with a large, fun community, we’d love to sing with you.

At Parker UMC, Cambiata is a contemporary musical tone, filled with praise and joy! We are members of Chorale who carry our musical enthusiasm into music of praise and worship. We are a smaller group and rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 pm, singing one-two Sunday’s each month. For the 2023 music season we will be focusing on acapella, contemporary and Spirituals music. If you need a little more musical fun, but not ready to join the larger Chorale, we’re always happy to welcome you into our group.

Praise Band
Praise Band is currently looking for musicians to provide occasional service worship music for our 9 AM service. We are a small team of musicians that work together to perform music from artists such as Hillsong, Bethel Music, Chris Tomlin, Lauren Daigle and Phil Wickham just to name a few. This group requires an audition and once per month commitment, rehearsal and performance. Please email Paul Ijames for more information.

Parker UMC Handbells
Are you a ringer? Have you wanted to be a ringer? We’d love to have you join us in our mission to glorify God through the ministry of handbell music! We play a variety of musical styles on our handbells and handchimes. All levels of musical skill are welcome, from expert ringers to those who have never played music. Drop by rehearsals on Mondays at 7:00 in the Sanctuary, or you can email Jon Bray our HandBell Director.
Soloist and Instrumental Opportunities
If you play an instrument and would like to perform within a small ensemble or as a soloist please reachout to us. There is always a way to use your musical gifts. Our Fine Arts Department is coordinated by Kurt Bokenkamp. Please email him to express your interest.