Parker Task Force
The Parker Task Force is dedicated to providing individuals and families in our community with food, limited financial assistance and other support services to help them become self-sufficient. These services will be delivered with compassion, dignity and respect by our 100% volunteer staff.
PTF has a food bank among the services that it provides. All non-perishable food is donated through local food drives by churches, schools, businesses, social organizations, grocery stores, and by donations from individuals within the community. PTF purchases perishable food from financial donations. For more information visit www.parkertaskforce.org

Mission: Caring for people faced with Suburban Poverty, restoring hope and dignity, and guiding them toward a self-sufficient life!
Vision: We are committed to breaking the chains of suburban poverty by building a community of dedicated, caring people working together to end suburban poverty while restoring hope and livelihood to those experiencing it.

Vacation Bible School
We open our congregation to over 250 children from the Parker community each summer. Vacation Bible School offers opportunities for Christian education, recreation, creative learning and fellowship to the children. Each year over 100 adult volunteers donate their time to help make this a successful week of learning and fun! If you’d like to learn more about our VBS email Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families.

Holiday Dinners
Through your generous financial gifts we are able to provide many families with gift cards to local grocery stores (King Soopers, Safeway, Walmart, etc.) to buy the ingredients for holiday meals. We do this in cooperation with Parker Task Force. If you have any questions about this local ministry email Associate Pastor Cody Anderson.