Youth Ministry
Looking for a place to belong, where you are known and you are loved? Join us!
Youth ministry is for anyone grades 6th-12th and offers a lot of fun opportunities to get connected, make life-long friendships, and grow in your faith.
We offer a lot of opportunities for you to be a part of the fun, so join us!
Youth Group
Youth Group meets from 3-5pm on Sundays.
Join us for games, faith lessons, and connection!
Our groups usually meet at the church for a spiritual lesson and fun games each week. Sometimes we will meet off site for hiking or other activities. To make sure you are hearing the latest YOUTH NEWS and announcements and please make sure the church has a correct email for you in the database!
Sunday School

Middle School and High School Sunday School classes will meet on Sundays at 9am.
Confirmation meets Sundays from 2-3pm and is for anyone grades 7th and up who are exploring their faith and want to know more about what it means to be a United Methodist, what it means to be a Jesus follower, and how to live out their faith as they become an adult. To sign up or for more information, email Pastor Cody.
Family Meal

Join us on the last Sunday of the month for our family meal from 5-6:30pm. This is a wonderful time to connect as a family with other families going through the same stage in life. Bring a potluck dish to share, and we will share a meal together as a family, then split off into separate spaces to discuss a variety of topics, including social media use, anxiety and stress, communication, and other youth topics.
Youth Lock-Ins, Retreats, Mission Trips, and more!

We offer a variety of fun throughout the year, so make sure to keep an eye out for more information!
Youth Communication
Get on our weekly email featuring the Youth News with all the details.
Not receiving weekly emails of weekly activities and reminders? Email Pastor Cody and ask to be added to the list!
We also use the Remind App for communication.
For middle school: Text the message @pumcjr23 to the number 81010
For high school: Text the message @pumcsr23 to the number 81010
Would you like to connect with a carpool from your area? Email Pastor Cody and she will try to connect you!