New School Year, New Opportunities – Cody

Where did the summer go? Just a few weeks ago, weren’t we just starting to plan our summer vacations, swim lessons and other activities to keep our kids busy? Now, there are only a few precious weeks left before school takes over and we are thrust back into reality. Many of us will start looking at the school year and arranging our schedules to fit in activities for our children. And with that, sometimes the most important things will get pushed aside. While we may not realize it until later, these decisions will have a lasting impact on our faith and the faiths of our children.

As we begin to look reality in the face, it is time to take a look and see what our faith will look like this coming year. It is time to build a strong foundation for ourselves, and for our family. Matthew 7:24-27 tells us about a man who built his house upon the sand. The rains came, the streams rose and the winds blew against the house and it fell. But there was also another man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew, yet his house stood firm.

Sometimes running from activity to activity is like building our house upon the sand. It might be able to stand for a while, but when the storms come, it will collapse. But if we take the time and be intentional about building our house upon the Rock, our house will stand in those storms.

Now is a great time to build that strong foundation and check out a Bible study for yourself, and get your kids involved in the Children’s Ministry! It will set the foundation for a wonderful school year, where you and your family can grow in your faith and your relationship with each other. Won’t you take time to build your house upon the Rock?


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