Resources and Activities for Kids
Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families has prepared some amazing resources for parents, including devotionals, fun activities, Bible teaching and stories, and much more! Children teach us so much about being joyful and how our faith should look. We’re happy to share these resources with you and your family. If you have any questions please email Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families.

Sunday School In Person
Kids, we’re so excited to be together! We’re meeting during the 9 am service Sunday mornings (9:30 a.m. during our summer service hours). Please check with Noelle at the Children’s Desk by the treehouse before the service begins. For more information please email Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families.
Sunday School Online
Don’t miss the weekly Sunday School videos! These short videos won’t add a lot of screen time but your kids will learn so much in a short time. It’s fun, it’s free and kids will love it!

Children’s Choir
We love to hear our kids sing! We have been singing in Sunday School and the children sound great! We will be practicing during the social time, from 10:00 – 10:20 a.m. The kids will learn new songs, sing together, and have time for a donut while you can take time to socialize with other adults! Once a month the kids will sing during the 9 a.m. worship service. Email Noelle Allison for more details.

Devotions for Kids
We love sharing the good news about God’s great big love. God can help us through any challenge we’re facing and it’s good to look to Him for answers. We hope these devotions, created especially for kids, will be a blessing to you and your family.
Story Time with Ms Noelle
Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families, at Parker UMC shares online story time with our kiddos. Clicking the button below will direct you to our youtube playlist with all of the stories she’s shared so far.

Journey With Jesus
Looking for an event around Easter that isn’t just about the Easter Eggs? Come and join us as we Journey With Jesus. Families will travel together to different stations, learning about the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord, and collecting a few treats along the way.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is an event we offer to our church congregation and the Parker Community. Members of our church decorate their vehicles, dress up, and hand out candy to kids! We have games and crafts as well. It’s a fun event, typically held the Sunday before Halloween. If you’d like to donate candy, your creativity to decorate your vehicle, or have any questions about this event please contact Noelle Allison

Games and Activities Woven with God’s Message
Hi families! Noelle and her kids have been working hard, and having so much fun, filming these fun games for you. After each game we’ll share some thoughts and questions about God. It’s a great way to stay active and share God’s Great Big Love!
Mission Projects
Each year, our children’s ministry works with various mission projects to help our children learn what it is to live outside of ourselves and help others. Through these wonderful mission projects, children and their families work together to raise awareness of the needs of others, and learn what it really means when Jesus calls us to “love our neighbors as ourselves”.

Video Resources for Families
Click the button below for links to helpful, Christ-centered, videos helping you navigate a variety of issues with your children. Some of the videos share information on helping talk to your kids about COVID 19 but many are general themes that kids and families deal with in everyday life. These videos are created by professionals with kids in mind.

Activities and Crafts
We’re happy to provide family-centered crafts and activities for kids. God is at the center of all that we do here at Parker UMC and we’re confident your kids will enjoy being creative, having fun and learning more about God’s Great Big Love!

Moms Groups
We offer five different groups for mothers of all ages here at Parker UMC. Childcare is always provided so please join us as we grow in our faith, laugh and learn together. These groups run during the school year, with a break in the Summer. New
Class Meeting Times
- Tuesday Morning 9:30-11:30. Email Noelle Allison, Director of Children and Families, for more information
For more information please call the church office or