Thanksgiving dinners for Parker Task Force clients. This year the Parker Task Force expects to provide Thanksgiving dinner to many families. Currently, the Task Force provides short-term food bank visits and limited financial assistance to over 600 families in need in the Parker, Franktown and Elizabeth areas.
To help you can either donate a food basket or provide money.
Compile complete Thanksgiving dinners that families can prepare at home, packaged in baskets/tubs/boxes for a family of 4-6 people. Deliver to our new Parker Task Force building at 19105 Longs Way between 9:00 am & noon on Sunday Nov. 20, 2016. Clients will pick them up later that day. Baskets may be dropped off early between 9 a.m. and noon on Sat. Nov. 12, Tues. Nov. 15, Wed. Nov. 16, Fri. Nov. 18 and Sat. Nov. 19.
What to provide for a complete Thanksgiving dinner:
- Frozen turkey
- Aluminum turkey pan
- Canned Green Beans
- Butter
- Stuffing
- Canned Mushroom Soup
- Dinner Rolls
- Potatoes
- Sweet Potatoes
- Pie
- Gravy, packets or jars
- Canned Fruit
- Cool Whip
- Cranberry Sauce
- Monetary or Gift Card Donations – Parker Task Force appreciates holiday donations in any amount, but they ask you to consider that a Thanksgiving dinner basket donation is valued at approximately $50.00. Checks may be made payable to the Parker UMC (memo: PTF-Thanksgiving) and put in the offering plate or left with the Church office. Funds will be used to provide limited financial assistance to clients, for example, the Task Force may help pay utilities to prevent shut-off or purchase a needed prescription.
The Task Force can also use gift cards to local grocery stores. These are used to purchase perishable food for the food bank, for example, milk, eggs, cheese, meat, and produce.
“Share the joy, give a toy.” The Denver Inner City Parish has been providing toys during the holidays to deserving families in Denver since 1978. Every year there is an increase of families in need. The program invites parents to “shop” their toy warehouse for one gift per child. They accept brand new toys for children of all ages 0-18. If you’d like to help, please bring new unwrapped toys to church by noon on December 11. Look for collection boxes & more info at the Mission’s table/display in the Narthex.